
Successful People Write Down Their Goals, So Here Are Mine For 2021

Trying to become successful by writing about my goals for the year by Christian - 01.01.2021

Changelog December 2020

A complete overhaul of my website's backend by Christian - 31.12.2020

Half a Year on Medium – My Thoughts

Experiences, Money, Curation, Publications, Followers by Christian - 29.10.2020

Ludum Dare 47 Post-Mortem

Looking back at the development process of my Ludum Dare game by Christian - 07.10.2020

GameDev 54: All Over The Place

Camera, Editor, Blender, Medium, Youtube by Christian - 30.06.2020

GameDev 53: Challengers

Starting Characters, Blueprint Changes by Christian - 07.06.2020

GameDev 52: Viking Map

Creating a new viking themed map using my editor by Christian - 28.05.2020

GameDev 51: Chain Lightning

Procedural Lightning Texture, Chain Lightning Attack by Christian - 19.05.2020

GameDev 50: Pixel Perfect Picking

Color Picking, Noise Based Placements by Christian - 10.05.2020

GameDev 49: A lot of Blendering

Goblin, Mushrooms, Stave Church, Haunted Mansion by Christian - 04.05.2020

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